Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Davies
Mrs Beaver
Welcome to Year 4 !
Hello and welcome to the Year 4 class webpage.
We've had a very busy term so far and the children have shown that they are an enthusiastic, hard-working and creative group of young people.
In Year 4 we encourage the children to show greater independence as learners and to develop their growth mind set in their approach to work. In class they are given many opportunites to work together cooperatively to discuss their ideas and produce successful, collaborative work.
A high standard of presentation is very important and it has been wonderful to see the children trying hard with their handwriting and taking pride in their work.
Everyone in class has a specific responsibility and role which helps the classroom run smoothly and efficiently eg. red box monitor, librarian etc. It has been wonderful to see the children's maturity and sense of responsibility develop over the year.
Monday Reading (30 minutes) and Spellings and Grammar or Comprehension homework (handed in Mondays)
Spelling test (Mondays)
Tuesday Music Practice (30 minutes)
Reading (30 minutes)
Wednesday Reading (30 minutes)
Thursday Reading (30 minutes)
Maths homework (handed in Mondays)
Times Tables and/or KIRFs (handed in Thursdays)
Friday Reading (30 minutes)
Book Review
- Children will need to bring in their Homework Diary and water bottle each day.
- PE kits are to be left in school until half term. This is so we can limit the amount of things that are coming and going between home and school.
- Please encourage your child to use their logins to access TT Rockstars as much as they can.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Mrs Davies and Mrs Beaver