Mini Vinnies
Who are the Mini Vinnies?
The Mini Vinnies are quite literally mini St. Vincent de Paul’s.
Mini Vinnies are 7 to 11 year olds based in schools and parishes across England and Wales, and in several other countries across the world. They come together to form a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. Mini Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can to help make a difference in their communities.
Some of the fantastic work our Mini Vinnies have done so far:
- Set up a food bank collection point in school.
- Parish Tea Party
- Activities with our local nursing home
- Letters of kindness to those in our local area
- Christmas gifts to the local Luncheon Club
- Reverse Advent calendar – collecting food for local food banks
- Positivity quotes distributed during mental Health Awareness Week
- Fundraising for Cafod and the Good Shepherd Collection by arranging the following competitions:
Name the Sheep – Guess the name and win this cuddly sheep
Find the Lost Sheep – Locate the lost sheep on a giant grid and win a very large Easter egg.
Easter activities with the residents of our local nursing home.
Food for our local food banks from the Reverse Advent Calendar.
Letters of kindness
Food for our local food banks from the Reverse Advent Calendar.