Year 3 2023 - 2024

Miss Hyland

Welcome to Year 3!

Hello and welcome to the year 3 class webpage! 

As we are half way through Key Stage 2, the children are encouraged to be grow in indepdendence regarding their attitude to school; taking responsibility for their belongings and their learning. It is important that in Year 3 we behave as role models to the younger children and set a positive example with behaviour, handwriting and produce work that is to the best of our ability. 


All children need their own, named water bottle in school EVERY DAY.

Reading books and diaries will be brought home and returned each day. Please let your child know if you have written any messages in the homework diary so that they can show me.


Monday             Grammar CGP book. Learn your weekly Spellings for next Monday- these are in your homework diary and log onto EdShed to practise. 

Tuesday            Reading (30 minutes)            

Wednesday       Reading (10 minutes) and KIRFs (20 mins)

Thursday           Reading (30 minutes)

Friday                Maths (30 minutes) - MyMaths or sheet


Please encourage your child to log onto TTRockstars as much as they can. A little practise each day will boost their confidence and we will check the leaderboard in class each week! 

Please ensure that an appropriate indoor/outdoor PE kit is in school at all times. PE sessions are every Thursday and Friday with Coach Dave, and children should dress appropriately for the weather conditions by having something warm in their PE bags to use if needed.

Please do not hesitate to come and talk to me if you need anything - the key to success for our lovely children this year will most definitely be teamwork and establishing strong home-school links.

Many thanks,

Miss Hyland





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St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School. Manor Park South, Knutsford WA16 8AL

Tel: 01565 633637 | Email: [email protected]