The Way, The Truth, The Life


At St. Vincent’s we follow the Religious Education scheme ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ as selected by the Diocese of Shrewsbury.  Each year group has their own topics for the year, studied on a half termly basis.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


God’s World

God’s Family

Getting to know Jesus

Joy and Sorrow

New Life

Our Church Family

Year 1

God’s Great Plan

Mary our Mother

Families and Celebrations

Following Jesus

The Resurrection


Year 2


The Chosen People


The Good News

The Mass


The Church is Born

Year 3

The Christian Family

Mary, Mother of God

Sacrament of


Celebrating the


Celebrating Easter &  Pentecost

Being a Christian

Year 4

The Bible

Trust in God

Jesus the teacher

Jesus, the Saviour


The Early Christians

The Church


Year 5


God’s Covenants

Inspirational People


Life in the Risen Jesus

Other Faiths

Year 6

The Kingdom of God


Exploring the Mass

Jesus the Messiah

The transforming Spirit

Called to serve
























We also aim to foster the spiritual development of our children by experiencing the love of God and leading them to a greater understanding of our faith, not just through our R.E. lessons, but through collective worships, personal reflections and by putting our faith into action and living it out on a daily basis.

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St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School. Manor Park South, Knutsford WA16 8AL

Tel: 01565 633637 | Email: [email protected]