The School Day
The school day begins at 8.55am.
Teaching staff will be on the playground at 8.50am
The Reception children enter the classroom by the reception playground gate.
All other pupils line up when the whistle blows and enter the school building through the appropriate door.
Parents are asked not to accompany their children into the school building.
The school day finishes at 3.25pm.
The total time school is open in a typical week:
Daily : 6 hours 30 minutes
Total : 32 hours 30 minutes
Parents should wait for their children in the playground.
There will be the opportunity to meet other parents waiting in the playground and notices can be read on the information board.
Please note that for their own safety children may not use the equipment in the playground out of school hours.
Children should not bring toys to school.
Lateness - if your child/ren arrives at school late, they need to be brought into school by their parent/carer through the front entrance.
A late mark will be issued to any child who arrives at school later than 8.55am and an unauthorised mark will be given to any child who arrives later than 9.30am.
You will be asked for a reason for being late and the answer will be recorded.
Persistent lateness is monitored by Miss Groarke.