SEN Information and Support for Parents

Who are the SENCo leader?

At St Vincent's our SENCO is Mrs. Dowler. If you would like to ask questions or book an appointment with our SENCO you can call the school office on 01565 633637 or alternatively, you can email them at [email protected]

What should you do if you think your child may have additional needs?

In the first instance, we recommend you speak to your child's class teacher. They can then discuss your child with the SENDCO and decide on the best next step. We work with you through the process and regulalry meet with parents and carers to discuss progress, next steps and the support available.


Where can you find further support?

There are a number of sources of further information, help and advice available for parents of children with Special Educational Needs. Please ask for help in school by speaking to  your class teacher, anyone from the SEND team or by following the links below:

Cheshire East Local Offer 0-25 

Cheshire East Live WellAccess the full range of Services avaliable in Cheshire East:

Cheshire East Information Advice and Support offer a range of confidential services to parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs in Cheshire East:

Cheshire East Parents and Carers Voice is a group of parents, carers and professionals who aim to enable parents' views and experiences to improve services and outcomes for our children and young people.

Space4Autism are an Autism charity who support children and adults with Autism and their families.

Cheshire Autism Support Team (CEAT) are a small school-focused team of teaching and support staff with considerable experience and qualifications in the field of autism. They provide specialist support for children in years 1 to 13 attending Cheshire East schools via the School Consultation model. 

CEAT Website

Contact a Family are a national organisation providing comprehensive support and advice about a wealth of isses surrounding special eduactional needs.

Together Trust are a leading disability charity that offer Autism Sleep Clinics. Their Children in Need funded sleep clinics are for parent and carers in the North West who have a child with autism or are in the process of getting a diagnosis. They run regular workshops and one-to-one appointments for parents and carers. Their experts offer practical advice and tailor-made sleep programmes to suit your child.

Just Drop In are a local charity supporting childrens mental health. This September they are running a parent and child workshop for 8 weeks focusing on understanding anxiety. 

T2TT poster Sept 2024.png

Glossary of SEN Terms

We are aware that there are many abreviations in the world of SEN and it can be overwhelming. Below we have taken the main abreviations from the 'Cheshire East SEN Toolkit'.

ASC Autistic Spectrum Condition
AWPU Age Weighted Pupil Unit

CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CCG Clinical Commissioning Group
CEAT Cheshire East Autism Team
CPD Continuing Professional Development

DAF Disability Access Fund
DCO Designated Clinical Officer
DfE Department for Education
DLA Disability Living Allowance

EHC Education, Health and Care
EHCP Education, Health and Care Plan
EP Educational Psychologist
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage

FE Further Education
FEEE Free Early Education Entitlement

JSNA Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

LA Local Authority
LD Learning Disability
LSCB Local Safeguarding Children Board

MLD Moderate Learning Difficulties

OT Occupational Therapy

OAIP Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice

PCHR Personal Child Health Record (or ‘red book’)
PE Physical Education
PECS Picture Exchange Communication System
PfA Preparing/Preparation for Adulthood
PMLD Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
PSHE Personal, Social, Health and Economic education

RAMP Reducing Anxiety Management Plan

SALT Speech and Language Therapy
SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
SEN Special Educational Needs
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability
SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SIS Sensory Inclusion Service
SLCN Speech, Language and Communication Needs
SLD Severe Learning Difficulties
SpLD Specific Learning Difficulties
STOD Specialist Teacher of the d/Deaf
STVI Specialist Teacher for Visual Impairment

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St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School. Manor Park South, Knutsford WA16 8AL

Tel: 01565 633637 | Email: [email protected]