Autumn term 2024

Autumn Term


This term are learning how to play clarinets. They were a little bit tricky at the start but with a little practise we are getting better each week. The pictures below show us in our Music lesson.



Our Science topic this term is all about States of Matter. In one of our lessons we looked at how different substances react when they are heated. Although they all melted, this happened at different time intervals - this told us that not everything melts at the same temperature. We had to make sure it was a fair test and that we made careful observations.


Collective Worship

In Year 4 we regularly have the opportunity to plan a whole class worship. We choose our theme based on the topic we are learning about in class. At the bottom of this page you can see some recent photos and how reflective and prayerful we are.


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St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School. Manor Park South, Knutsford WA16 8AL

Tel: 01565 633637 | Email: [email protected]